
Valley governance moving forward

The committee studying possible area-wide governance options in the Okanagan Similkameen is moving forward and forming a focus in its work.

It’s planning to complete a report for the Minister of Community Services by March 31st.

At its meeting in Vernon Wednesday, the Regional Governance Study Working Committee received the results from consultations with all local governments in the North, Central and South Okanagan Similkameen regional districts.

Consultant Allan Neilsen-Welch presented a report based on the sessions that were held during the past three weeks.

The consultation process has found the most support from elected local government officials for a strong inter-regional authority or authorities within the governance study area.

Neilsen-Welch says there was little support from municipal and regional district politicians for a single area-wide regional district model.

His report also says local elected officials want more information and details regarding the proposed governance model options. In particular, they’d like specifics on the cost benefits for each option as well as voter representation and any voting structure.

Working Committee Vice-Chair Jerry Oglow, who chairs the Regional District of North Okanagan welcomed the consultant’s report.

It shows some common themes and focus developing on the part of local elected officials throughout the Okanagan Similkameen as the discussion continues regarding possible region-wide governance options.

More than 120 elected officials representing municipal councils and regional district boards in the Okanagan Similkameen have been invited to a ‘Council of Councils’ meeting.

At the session in Kelowna on March 7th they’ll be asked to provide the Working Committee with feedback on the various governance options that are under consideration.

This information will be used by the Working Committee to guide its recommendations in a report to the Minister of Community Services by the end of March.

A link to the consultants report will be available in the next few days on the Okanagan Similkameen Regional Governance Working Committee website: www.valleygovern.ca.

Residents may also go there to view information from past committee meetings and for upcoming ones. A direct email contact form is also available online for residents to complete, so that their thoughts, ideas and suggestions can be considered by the Governance committee.

After the March 7th ‘Council of Councils’ session, the next regular Regional Governance Study Working Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19th at 1:00 pm at the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen office, 101 Martin Street in Penticton.

The meeting will be open for residents to view the proceedings.

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