
The birth of a watermelon

Dustin Godfrey

A Kelowna couple's time lapse video over the course of their pregnancy has gained some traction on YouTube.

Overnight, Devon and Abbey Spittle's video gained nearly 10,000 views, and as of 7 p.m. Thursday, the video had over 30,000 views.

The video shows Abbey eating a watermelon before heading to her car and driving to a Kelowna park. During the car ride, her stomach grows, and she eventually ends up at Sarsons Beach Park. She finds a button and a sign that reads, "Press button in case of watermelon seed ingestion!"

She presses the button and a baby Poppy, adorned with watermelon-coloured clothing, appears in her arms.

Poppy is the Spittles' second baby, and also their second pregnancy time lapse. Their first time around, the couple played at a similar concept, where Abbey ate ice cream as her stomach grew over time until she was laid out over a couch, before giving birth to their son Bentley.

But Devon said the second time lapse was a much more difficult one to organize, because of all of the movement.

"If you have movement, it makes it a lot more difficult, so I thought I would have a little bit more of a challenge, and I tried to keep it as childish and cheesy as I could."

He took 900 pictures over the course of the pregnancy, taking a picture each week, which makes it difficult to line up the photos properly.

"I have to follow her with the camera, so when she's walking, I'm following her, when she's in the van, I'm lining it up so it's in the right spot every single time we take the picture."

On top of lining the photos up, he had to make sure the colour balances were similar through each picture and that the weather was similar, meaning similar skies and lighting and making sure there's no snow on the ground.

Devon says he doesn't have any more plans for another time lapse in the future, and no more food babies are in the mix for quite some time.

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