
Political agendas ruled

A special advisor's report looking into the actions of the Vancouver School Board says problems within the board stemmed from some trustees prioritizing their political agendas, rather than stewardship of the district.

British Columbia's Education Minister Mike Bernier fired all nine members of the board last week and says two reports that show failures of governance and budgetary practices deepen his lack of confidence in the former board.

The province released the forensic audit by special adviser Peter Milburn along with a detailed review and audit by Ernst and Young, and supplemental report on the impact of school closures at the Vancouver School Board.

All school boards in the province were required by law to submit a balanced budget by June 30.

Bernier told reporters in a conference call today that the audits support his decision to fire the board because the report says trustees chose not to provide a balanced in an act of protest for more funding.

There were 59 recommendations made between the two audits, which the education minister says the newly appointed trustee Dianne Turner will be responsible for implementing.

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