Castanet Adopt-a-Pet


AlvinAnimal ID: 603858

South Okanagan BC SPCA shelter
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 250-493-0136
Address: 2200 Dartmouth Drive
Penticton, BC V2A 7W7
Male Small Animal
Breed: Hamster Cross

1Yrs 1Mths (approx)
Colour: Black

Alvin is a sweet little hamster with a big personality, ready to find his perfect forever home. While he's a friendly guy, Alvin values his personal space and will let you know when he's ready for alone time. He's happy to cuddle up for some fresh veggies, but understanding his body language and respecting his boundaries is the key to becoming his best friend.

As an active nocturnal creature, Alvin requires plenty of room to explore and burrow. He'll thrive in an enclosure with a minimum of 900 square inches of floor space and at least 6 inches of paper bedding for burrowing. Custom enclosures made from plastic storage bins or repurposed aquariums are excellent options.

Due to his independent nature and unique needs, Alvin would do best with an experienced hamster guardian. His bold personality means he'd likely prefer a home without young children handling him.

If you're ready to provide the space, care, and understanding that Alvin deserves, he's eager to be your tiny, quirky companion! ? Please submit a pre-adoption questionnaire here: https://spca.bc.ca/adoption/rgphrmg-pre-adoption-questionnaire/

Suitability Guide:
Not Suitable for Children Employee Pick